Faded Memory. Self Guided Work. 2024.
Exploration into Python for Processing to create a code that uses translation, push and pop matrices, and recording to create a .gif that slowly blurs a source image.
Video showcasing the blurring process when the code is executed.

Code View

Image still showcasing the degree of pointillized blurring that can be achieved with the code.
eL Seed Poster. Graduate Coursework. 2023. Instructor: Jen Maigret, GSI: Zoe Dubil
This work was made as a poster to showcase research concerning my selected case study of Perception by eL Seed in Cairo Egypt. My intention for the poster was to mimic the calligraphic forms of the graffiti and create different perceptions for the viewer while showcasing various aspects of research. Fonts used include Source Code Variable and Arial. Background shapes were created using the Looper plugin for Sketch (Mac).

Reframed Frames Book. Graduate Coursework. 2023. Instructor: Christian Unverzagt
This solo work was produced as a kickoff exercise in translation across media using the 1988 film Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo. Certain stills of the iconic movie were chosen in order to give the reader a sense of the movie without ever having seen the film. The book itself reads with the same right to left conventions of Japanese manga. Typeset in Chuck (Regular) and Neue Haas Grotesk Display Pro (75 Bold). Printed in the United States of America by Lulu.com. Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify owners of copyright. Errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions.

Front cover


Back cover
Sustainable Design Trade-Off Evaluation Graphic. Graduate Coursework. 2023. Instructor: Jen Maigret, GSI: Zoe Dubil
This project involved the creation of a graphic deliverable to showcase the understanding of architectural sustainability concepts (such as emissions, operational energy, etc.) as it pertains to the built environment. My chosen building precedent was the Powerhouse Telemark in Porsgrunn, Norway. Showcased below are selected portions of the five-page graphic presentation.

Cube Lights Pamphlet. Graduate Coursework. 2023. Instructor: Mojitaba Navaab
A pamphlet design showcasing the research and development behind an architectural lighting design solution.
Video showcasing a pamphlet created to demonstrate a lighting design installation.
BuildMooR Community Logo (2021). Classwork. Instructor: Nick Tobier
This logo was made for the underserved community of Brightmoor in Detroit, MI for their Brightmoor Maker Space. In this semester, students were paired with a local youth to field questions concerning art and design as well as teaching.

Temple Israel Visual Identity and Branding (2021). Classwork. Instructor: Francis Nunoo-Quarcoo.
Temple Israel is a religious organization founded in 1941. It prides itself on serving the American-Jewish community of Metro Detroit through its Reform Judaism religious services, food catering company, social action campaigns, and childcare center. In this class, I worked to create a new visual identity through the creation of a modular graphic system that would unify the various sectors of Temple Israel’s online presence. From the catering website to The Well, a standardized set of graphics would buttress Temple Israel’s philosophy of community, tradition and diversity.

Playing Card Design (2021). Classwork. Instructor: Steven T. Hixson.
These playing card designs as well as the tuckbox are part of an exercise in creating a set of playing cards that are aimed at self care using four symbols (flourishing, reciprocity, intentionality, daily integration).

"Reciprocity" Joker Cardf

"Reciprocity" #5 Card

Tuckbox and Back of Cards

Process Images
"Tallo" Packaging (2021). Classwork. Instructor: Steven T. Hixson.
These three packaging designs (soap, shampoo, and razor) and logotype are part of a exercise in creating a brand identity that invokes the feeling of meditation in an approachable, friendly way.

Rockwell Spread and Poster (2019). Classwork. Instructor: Jill Greene.
This two-page spread discusses the history of the Rockwell typeface while studying its unique characteristics, while the poster offers a brief explanation of the famous Rockwell Typeface.

The final spread.

The final poster design.

Alternate spread design.

Alternate poster design.

Process sketches.

Process sketches.

Process sketches.

Process sketches.

Process sketches.

Process sketches.

Process sketches.
Type Posters (2019). Classwork. Instructor: Jill Greene.
These posters showcase the ways in which type can be used to heighten visual interest in a poster format on their own.

Poster 1

Poster 2
Trash Earth (2019) Classwork. Instructor: Howard White.
This poster offers a social commentary on the large amount of rubbish that surrounds our world.

Railyard Coffee (2019) Classwork. Instructor: Howard White.
This brand mockup showcases a coffee company influenced by America's numerous railway lines and Americana. Right to Left: Promotional Logo illustration, mockup(s) of the regular roast, flavored roast, and promotional coffee jar.

Black History Month Fist (2019) Client: Nicole Smith, Michigan News.
A featured image for a news article discussing BHM.

Webpage Banner Design Graphic (2019) Client: Nicole Smith, Michigan News.
An American-themed webpage banner design explicitly created for the University of Michigan News company.

Locked Computer Graphic (2019) Client: Nicole Smith, Michigan News.
Featured illustration artwork for Michigan News' article discussing internet encryption and security.

Home Graphic (2019) Client: Nicole Smith, Michigan News.
A prospective illustration artwork for an article discussing issues of food insecurity and home ownership.