Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse Website Redesign (2021) Freelance Work, Client: Margo Schlanger.
In this website redesign project for the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, I worked to improve the website's visual hierarchy, banner visibility, and landing page information configuration in order to allow for clarity while taming the site's overwhelming design.

Initial sketch that addresses the homepage redesign.

Initial sketches addresssing the creation of a mobile site layout.

Initial sketches concerning the redesign of the admin site.
Tabletop (2020) Classwork, Instructor: Kelly Murdoch-Kitt.
This group project, titled “Tabletop” is a moblie application designed to better address the issues of eating alone in on-campus dining halls. The application would use user profiles to match students with eating companions that met each other’s criteria.

"Sophie" Userflow

Site Map
Stamps Commencement Marketing (2020) Classwork, Instructor: Kelly Murdoch-Kitt.
This group project, titled “Commencement Marketing” showcases the usage of UI/UX Design to solve the problems of engaging STAMPS students to submit art for the senior commencement in light of the COVID-19 pandemic through Instagram postings on the @umstamps page.
Right: Poster Design for "One Day Left" on the Commencement Countdown